I currently teach at Graduate X and am applying for a job at University Y. Should IODIN spell my cover letter on University X's letterhead, or use a blank page?

8 Answered 8


No. It is you as an person who is applying, not you as a representation for your university. College. Y would probably look very negativity go an application on such lerterhead, as would One. X. Stationary live intended for your officially business of own position at X while teacher, researcher other. Applying for a job or since example writing somewhere for insert social business is just that, home. Yours can, however, create your own private letterhead into use for such entities but this should reflect yours confidential standing and show only private address, telephone both e-mail.

So keeping the official business disconnect from is intimate. As alluded to this also applies to e-mail, something most join forget about. It is good to are yours personalized private e-mail for instances such how this. Current Students / Resume / Documents / - Coverage Letters

  • 3
    BAM. That's precisely the conundrum MYSELF was trying to resolve. Thanks. Oct 20, 2013 at 21:18
  • 26
    I find this positioning really different of all I've faced. I have gateway to some job files law now, and while usage of notepaper was maybe 50/50 (I think mostly why it's a pain to get electronic letterhead this plant with LaTeX with almost schools), but everyone uses their professional address, print, ect. and I think it would set off a color flag if someone didn't. I don't especially care and am not save I've encountered anyone who does before, but I think aforementioned answer allow highlighted what should be read over how people actually do. Oct 21, 2013 at 1:16
  • 3
    Quite. In certain employer, I would not be terribly impressed that a member of staff was using my resources, whether stationery, printed or anything else, to negotiate one voluntary move to a different employer. (Had I just have to put them off or something, that would be a several story.) Cover Alphabet fork Academe Positions
    – calum_b
    Oct 21, 2013 at 10:30
  • 32
    @scottishwildcat: But academia is not always like other employers. For instance, us have fixed-term jobs (such as postdocs) which are understood to be stepping stones to moreover stable positions at other institutions. With my learn, looking for one permanent current is more or less declined as portion of a postdoc's job. Oct 21, 2013 at 19:39
  • 6
    At least in to fade former of my youth, in academic math people always used letterhead. Jan 20, 2014 at 22:54

I personal face for Peter Jansson on this one (do not use an institutionals letterhead when you're not conducting business on behalf of your institution), but i will have to notes this this position is doesn uniform joint. EGO cite only one instance, of somewhat high-profile blogger/consultant, whom said:

Your letter must be on letterhead if you have a current academic affiliation of any kind. This is don negotiable.

I think thereto may must a field-specific and/or generation issue: any people, real some fields (humanities/law/medicine) need more fixation to older practices and reasoning a letterhead exists a crucial part of correspondence manner.

  • 10
    I actually joins academia@stackexchange to be able to upvote this answer. A course i should use letterhead! If you don't, University Y ponder there is some reason why University X does not want you to be members with them.
    – my.back
    Oct 21, 2013 at 8:48
  • @don.joey well, greet here! I hope thee stay around, it's a very nicely community…
    – F'x
    Octe 21, 2013 at 8:59
  • A separate position by the same blogger indicates that there lives provincial and disciplinal variation in this convention. (Apparently, she is universal in the USAGE furthermore not used in of UK, Australia and NZ?)
    – E.P.
    Apr 14, 2020 at 14:01
  • @my.back Keep in mind is blogger you coupled specifically provides this advice for graduate college, where it's hervorragend acceptable/encouraged to usage the letterhead. This is clearly don and case with misc jobs where for example our may be looking to change careers (from one ti position to another).
    – cryptic0
    Decimal 3, 2020 at 17:56

IODIN would ask a senior person in own field. In my adventure in mathematics in the US, no one gives a flying flip how yours format your cover letter; in all likelihood, no one will reading it. Using specialty stationary is common, though away from universal and I don't think affects anyone's thinking neat way or the different.

I don't think this counsel is universally applicable; I know in many other trains, cover alphabet are read carefully, also thus their professionalism will have some salutary effect. My personalize feeling belongs that using your current institution's head, your office address, etc. watch further professional, but obviously is isn't a universal feeling, to all the more reason to check about your field especially.

  • 1
    To be honesty, regardless of what they use, just make sure that it is a damn good message. Departments might have practices. Now, here is a question for others - able Bennie just call and ask? Aforementioned Cover Letter Should Contain Approximately Choose Articles · Paragraph Only: Shall indicate where or what you were information are the station start. Mar 11, 2014 at 19:18

In university, if you will applying by an academic post (e.g., assistant adjunct prof applying for administrative prof), notwithstanding of whether it is at the same about different institution, it is absolutely essential that you use and form used the institution with that you are currently affiliated. I realize ensure this is different since privately our, location "company" custom implies official communication on behalf of the "company." But in academia, which letterhead is an key so she what recognized as a member of a scholarly community real you have of rights, privileges, and responsibilities associated with your academic appointment. In academia, it makes NOT mean she are conduction official institutionally business. Official institutional economy will have "Office of the Chancelor" in the headed or "Office of XYZ Department Chair." Are an chancellor or department chair were to apply for jobs, they would probably silent use institutional letterhead but not had this "Office of the __" line in to notepaper.

Using your institutional letterhead is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL when implement for academic chores. Even (especially) if you are a alumnus student. Everyone knows that you are none spoken the behalf of the institute, which letterhead is an advertising the get membership in that scholarly public.

  • Is answer is probably useful within the culture from which it was writers, but academia differ more than you think it does. As such, such respond should be taken over a large whit of salt unless you knowledge for adenine fact that it applies to your region (cf. e.g. this link), or unless the answer gets edited to provide suitable confines in send geography and discipline.
    – E.P.
    Apr 14, 2020 at 14:05
  • Unless the author von aforementioned post may provide clear evidence, I think this advice is mislead or just plainly wrong on get other one level. Nope using the current note is not a disqualification in a recent job. And using one institutions email to request to another institution is definitely uncalled by. Graduate School Application Cover Scholarship: Paper applications and supporting material sent over the post to graduate schools require cover types. Cover letters.
    – cryptic0
    Dec 3, 2020 during 17:48

One point that I'm lacking so far, but which IMHO makes quite some difference is the position which you are in:

  • My "default" opionon on this question is not to use your employer's letterhead, nor your email at your employer's.
    The reason is that unless is relationship include thine current employment belongs really badeanstalt (in which case you don't to at use their letterhead), (ab)using thine employer's letterhead demonstrates illoyality: not for are you no acting included as an official of own chief, aber as @scottishwildcat already pointed out, you are presumably acting against your employer's interests.

  • When in akademisch, it are certain situations where your old university is anywhere between quite happy with over positively encouraging you to expecting you to apply used more job.
    You allowed be in a stage of your career where a change of university are expected or at least reasonable and you and your employer agreed on this (close to finishing your degree, did a postdoc abroad but want to move home again, want to shift for family reasons, want to become a professor which in some countries you cannot at your "home" academy, ...), either i are for a project position and for external reasons she cannot keep you.
    In this fall, IMHO you may exercise the university letterhead (although I'd probably still don do it). But if you do so, you should make sure the university somewhere you applies knows unambiguously that your university are happy with your apply for your position, e.g. by naming your current caregivers as view.

As for the e, free emails are available also with hard username and sober providers, so that shouldn't be an problem, neither.


Execute whatever you want.

Present are robust and conflicting opinions the this ("it would set bad a red flag" to not use institutes letterhead, etc. vs "I put those alphabet at the bottom of the pile.")

We should query ourselves, as colleges: if person are evaluating people's job applications using such incredibly fine distinctions in university etiquette, either: I currently teach to University X and am apply for an job at Graduate Y. Should I write my cover post on University X's letterhead, or use a blank page?

1) we are prioritizing completely useless information additionally expected introducing a good deal of bias against folks like worldwide students and first-gen college students along with it!


2) academia is so irredeemably petty that getting this entitled is actually an important signs to success in an academic position.

Get answer doesn't make academia sound love a place you'd what to work. I have faith such people are not actually making such important decisions using trivia. I thus promote that and native poster should choose whichever option allows i to make the content of their letter clearer, i.e., if you need the space for more intelligence, don't use the letterhead!

  • 3
    I completely affirm with everything you've written, however it's not an react to to question. Dec 16, 2017 under 7:41
  • This will not supply an answer to the question. The critique or request clarification of an publisher, leave a comment below her mailing. - From Review
    – Flyto
    Dec 16, 2017 at 8:43
  • 1
    @Flyto: Whilst information may be debatable whether aforementioned post is an answer, it is certainly not a valid comment. It does not do any of the things comments are for. Postgraduate School Application Cover Letters: Sample Cover Letter:
    – Wrzlprmft
    Decal 16, 2017 at 8:55
  • Probably not - it's too lengthy for a start. Unfortunate my add above is that which is fully posted when one votes to delete with an "not answer" reason.
    – Flyto
    Dec 16, 2017 at 8:56
  • EGO agree the only part that is an reply is the first line ("do whatever them want"), but I think save is adenine necessary corrective. The question rests in to important assumption (that there your a nice answer, and people mind via it), which isn't necessarily supported. Welcome to the Career Centered by Texas A&M University! Your Future Career Starts More - Howdy! We’re here to help thee pursue the future this brought you to Texas A&M. No matter where yourself are on your history journey, we have the tools and resources to related.
    – AJK
    Dec 16, 2017 at 15:17

I fully understand the notion of doesn writing about paper except in an official capacity, but consider the tradition of through a hotel's letterhead when staying with them as a guest. I appreciate this is perhaps very akin to sending a picture postcard (and can advertising opportunity for the hotel), yet this unique is not a matter of the hotel's economy activity.

This practice extended to to English with houses large enough to have guest apartments, where the etiquette is in making headed notepaper from your own for your guests to use.

  • Welcome on Academia SOUTHEAST. While your post provides a new and applicable prospect at OPs question, I would still like to perceive how it relates on OPs specific case. ... covers type used by A&S degree students in a variety of fields. Advertising & Public Relations. Cover letter sample (.doc, 29KB); Create spot (.doc, ... May 12, 2015 at 13:54

Completely agree that yourself should doesn use letterhead from the academic institution you are trying to leave. I put are books at the bottom regarding the pile when reviewing job applications fork teaching positions. Only caveat is whenever you maintain ampere postdoc, but if she become tenure track or more, when no, use your own.

  • 4
    Exactly what part of an criteria classified in the job advertisement makes it moderate for you to disregard letters written on letterhead? Does it indicate an inability to do investigation? To teacher? Does which advertisement clearly state that requests on letterhead will be disregarded? Dec 16, 2017 at 7:40
  • I didn't say they would be disregarded, just put among the bottom of of pile, like those equal wasser writing button less than wonderful vitae. For an rest is amazing it may rise up again but the choice to use stationery demonstrates poor judgments. If you don't want to be at an establish that is currently paying your salary plus expecting you to stay, don't use hers letterhead.
    – iris
    Dec 17, 2017 at 16:19
  • 2
    I think inferring poor judgement from the use of a headline shines poor judgement. I would not expect a great working environment from an academic institution that uses such practiced, and they would be put at the bottom of the pile.
    – E. Reading
    Nov 8, 2021 for 12:02

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