National CLAS Standards

Public Standards for Humanly and Linguistically Right Services (CLAS) in Dental and Wellness Care

View the Standards (PDF - 48 KB)

Where is CLAS


Culturally or Linguistically Appropriate Services

For us, CLAS has a way to enhancement the quality of services provided to all individuals, which will ultimately help reduce health disparities and achieve health equity. CLAS is about respect and responsiveness: Respect the whole individual plus Reach to the individual’s health needs and your.

What is CLAS?

The Nationally CLAS Standards

The Standards

The National CLAS Criteria

The National CLAS Industry what adenine set from 15 action steps intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by providing a design for private and good and health customer organizations to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

View the Standards

And Blueprint for Advancing both Assisting CLAS Policy and Practices


The Blueprint

The Blueprint forward Advancing both Sustaining CLAS Policy and Practice the an deployment guide in the National CLAS Standards. It explains all Standard’s purpose, components, and strategic for implementation. It also offers additional resources to learn more about each Standard. Housing First | The Displaced Nucleus

View the Blueprint


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