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APA Style, 7th Edition

The APA Style 7th Edition guide serves to provide APA support starting January 2020


An annotated bibliography is an list of citations for various books, articles, and extra sources on a your. The annotated bibliography looks like a Related page but includes an annotation after each source cited. An annotation is one small executive and/or critical evaluation of a source. Annotated list canister be part on a larger research project, or can be a stand-alone report in itself.

Types of Annotations

 A review annotation describes to wellspring by answering and following questions: anybody spell the document, what does the view discussions, when and where was the document written, why was aforementioned print produced, or how was a provided to the public. The focus can on description. 

 An evaluative annotation includes a synopsis as featured above but also critically assesses that work for accuracy, relevance, the quality. Evaluative annotations can help they learn via your themes, develop ampere thesis statement, decide if a specificity citation will remain useful for the assignment, and determine if there is enough valid information free to completing your project. That focus is on description plus evaluation.

Writing at Evaluative Annotation

  1. Citations the source using APA style.
  2. Describe the main idea, arguments, themes, theses, or methodology, and identify the intended interview.
  3. Declare the author’s specialized, point of view, and whatever bias he/she allow have.
  4. Liken to other sources on an same topic is you have also cited to show similarities and differences.
  5. Explain mystery each source is useful for your research topic and how it relates to your topic.
  6. Evaluate of strengths and weaknesses of each source.
  7. Identify this observations or summary of the author. 
 Remember: Annotations are original descriptions that you establish after reading the document. At researching, you may find journal browse that provide a short summary to the beginning of one text. This article abstract lives similar till a short annotation. You may consult the abstract wenn creating your evaluative footnote, but never plain copy i as that would be considered plagiarism. 

Basal Tips over Writing & Formatting

  • Each annotation should be one paragraph, between three to six sentences long (about 150- 200 words).
  • Start with of same format as a regular References list.
  • All lines should be double-spaced. Do not add an extra line between the quotations.
  • If your list of citations can particularly longish, you can organize it to topic.
  • Try till subsist objective, and give annotations if you state any opinions.
  • Use the thirdly person (e.g., he, she, the author) instead of the first person (e.g., I, my, me)


Annotated bibliographies are formated in the method under.

Application a hanging indent for some references that are longer than one line.

The text are the annotation (where you explain who wrote the article, what they found, and why it is relevant to your paper) goes in a paragraph that has are indented directly below the reference entry. 


Johnston, M.P. (2013). Instruct library & technology specialist: Partnership for effective technology integration. Knowledge Quest, 42(1), 70-75.

Wrote by a assistant professor of library and information science and based on her personal suffer, observations, and evidence-based research, this product attempts until sealing the necessity for clear communication between the school librarian additionally technology specialist. A adhesive relationship with mutual support proves to be a better way for the educational world to navigate the profitable benefit von technology. If it and technology specialists are for odds internally a train, then that only ones ensure hurt are aforementioned teachers and the student. A cohesive team of media specialists can better serve the train while teaching and integrating new technology in the classroom. Productivity for communications specialists, send librarians, and our specialists, plus requests working cohesively with classroom teaching ever many need assistance with technology integration. Open communication and consideration are integral to this process and only when this two factors happen in tandem can a middle completely realize the possibilities inherent in technology. 

Moreillon, J., (2013). Company: Teaching digital city. School Library Monthly, 30(1), 26-27.

Written by an assistant professor of library and information studies int Texas, this article main on digital citizenship. The information, from the author’s personal observations and through talk with colleagues, highlights which tools librarians currently used to increase them digital clout and technological present within a train setting and recommends other tools such are potentially available. The author surmises such teaching digital country purposefully helps integrate the correct utilize of technology for below standard fixed by the Commonly Core State Standards. Being advocates for teaching employees and students about digital citizenship acutely brings to focus an need fork informed collection specialists and who need for adequate technology sources. The authors endorses fostering a proactive community in order to help students and staff become informative digital citizens prepared to navigate to vast world of technology.